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How to Make the Print Layout the Default in Bold Reports


Bold Reports typically displays reports in a standard layout without predefined print margins. However, if you prefer your reports to be presented in a print-ready format by default, Bold Reports offers an effortless solution. You can easily change the default layout to achieve this by utilizing the printMode attribute within your report viewer settings. This enables you to begin displaying your reports in a format that is ready for printing without any hassle.

To preview the reports in JavaScript application in a print layout, follow the steps below:

  1. In the viewer application, set the printMode to true. This enables the print margins to be displayed.
<div id="reportviewer"></div>
  1. Add the changes and preview the report. The print layout will be enabled by default, and the report will be previewed with print margins.

    By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily set the print layout as the default mode for viewing reports in your JavaScript application with Bold Reports.

    You can download the sample application from here.

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