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Importing RDL Files into Bold Reports Report Server


This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to import an RDL file into the Bold Reports Report Server. Importing RDL files allows you to reuse existing report designs and configurations within the Bold Reports Enterprise platform.

To import an RDL file, follow the steps below:

  1. While on the Bold Reports page, locate the [+] button on the left side above the Reports section.
  2. Click the [+] button to reveal a menu and select Upload Report. This action will open a file selection dialog, prompting you to choose the RDL file you wish to import.
  3. In the Upload Report dialog, click Browse file path to open the file picker popup. Make sure to select a category for the imported report to help organize it effectively.

Importing RDL files into Bold Reports Enterprise is a straightforward and user-friendly process that allows you to reuse existing report designs and configurations. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can efficiently bring your RDL files into the Bold Reports Enterprise platform, enabling you to take advantage of its features for report management and customization.

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