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How to Configure PostgreSQL Data Processing Extension for WPF Report Viewer


In Bold Reports, the WPF Report Viewer does not offer a direct NuGet package for the PostgreSQL Extension. To use PostgreSQL with your WPF Report Viewer, you should integrate a custom PostgreSQL Extension project. Once you have successfully integrated the PostgreSQL Extension project, you can seamlessly utilize PostgreSQL as a data source in your WPF Report Viewer application. The following section provides detailed steps for integrating the custom PostgreSQL Extension project into your WPF Report Viewer application.

Step 1: Download the Custom PostgreSQL Extension Project

Step 2: Add the Custom PostgreSQL Extension Project to Your Solution

  • Add the custom PostgreSQL Extension project to your solution.
  • Ensure you add a Project Reference to the WPF Report Viewer in your solution.

Step 3: Configure the App.config File

  • Incorporate a configuration section in your App.config file, following the example provided below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  	<section name="ReportingExtensions" type="BoldReports.Configuration.Extensions,  BoldReports.WPF" allowLocation="true" allowDefinition="Everywhere" />

  		<Extension Name="PostgreSQL" Assembly="BoldReports.DataExtensions.PostgreSQL" Type="BoldReports.DataExtensions.PostgreSQL.PostgreSQLDataExtension" />

By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate the custom PostgreSQL Extension into your WPF Report Viewer application and leverage PostgreSQL as a data source.

You can find the WPF Report Viewer Sample with the Custom PostgreSQL Extension Project from here.

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