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Exporting Report to TIFF Format


Bold Reports currently does not have the ability to directly export reports in TIFF format. However, it can generate a TIFF file from a PDF stream. This article will provide a detailed explanation of how to generate a TIFF file using Bold Reports Writer.

Required NuGet Packages:


  1. Create a Bold Reports writer application and get the PDF stream of the report.
public IActionResult GetTIFF()
           // Here, we have loaded the sales-order-detail sample report from application the folder wwwroot\Resources.
           FileStream reportStream = new FileStream(_hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath + @"\Resources\sales-order-detail.rdl", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
           BoldReports.Writer.ReportWriter writer = new BoldReports.Writer.ReportWriter();
           WriterFormat format = WriterFormat.PDF;
           string type = "pdf";
           MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
           writer.Save(memoryStream, format);
  1. Utilize the Syncfusion EJ2 PdfViewer library to convert the PDF stream into images.
public IActionResult GetTIFF()
           //Uses the Syncfusion.EJ2.PdfViewer assembly.
           PdfRenderer pdfExportImage = new PdfRenderer();
           //Exports the PDF document pages into images.
           SKBitmap[] images = pdfExportImage.ExportAsImage(0, pdfExportImage.PageCount - 1);

  1. Dynamically create bitmaps from the images converted from PDF stream and adjust the resolution if necessary.
public IActionResult GetTIFF()
   // Convert PDF to images
   SKBitmap[] images = ConvertPDFToImages();

   // Dynamically create bitmaps from the images and adjust the resolution if needed
   List<Bitmap> bitmaps = new List<Bitmap>();
   foreach (SKBitmap image in images)
       MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
       image.Encode(stream, SKEncodedImageFormat.Jpeg, 100);
       Bitmap bitmapImage = new Bitmap(stream);
       Bitmap bitmapWithResolution = new Bitmap(bitmapImage.Width, bitmapImage.Height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
       bitmapWithResolution.SetResolution(1200, 1200); // 1200 dpi resolution
       using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmapWithResolution))
           g.DrawImage(bitmapImage, 0, 0, bitmapImage.Width, bitmapImage.Height);
   return Ok("TIFF File Exported");
  1. Downloading the Exported TIFF:
  • The resulting TIFF image, named “Output.tiff,” is saved and made available for download on the client side.
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