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Guide for Managing Special Characters and Field Limits in Bold Reports



This article outlines the guidelines for managing special characters and field limits in Bold Reports Server, detailing the maximum length, allowed characters, and required fields for each element to ensure consistency and compliance.

Scenario Maximum Length Allowed for Name Maximum Length Allowed for Description Unsupported Special Characters Required Fields
While creating a new report 255 NA Name should not contain the mentioned special characters ( * [ \ ] {|} / : < > % + & # ? ’ " ; ,) Name
Upload Report 255 1024 Name should not contain the mentioned special characters (* [ \ ] {|} / : < > % + & # ? ’ " ; ,) Category, Name, RDL File
Add Data Source NA 1024 Name should not contain spaces and mentioned special characters(* [ \ ] {|} / : < > % + & # ? ’ " ; ,) Name
Add DataSet NA 1024 Name should not contain spaces and mentioned special characters (! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ ` { | } ~ -) DataSet Name
Create Category 255 1024 Name should not contain the mentioned special characters (* [ \ ] {|} / : < > % + & # ? ’ " ; ,) Category Name
Create Report Part 255 NA Name should not contain spaces and mentioned special characters (! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ ` { | } ~ -) Name
Upload DataSet 255 1024 Name should not contain spaces and mentioned special characters (! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ ` { | } ~ -) Name, RSD File
Create Schedule 100 NA Name should not contain the mentioned special characters (* [ \ ] {|} / : < > % + & # ? ’ " ; ,) Category , Report , Schedule Name, Export FileName
Add User 254 NA Username should not contain spaces and mentioned special characters - ( * [ \ ] {|} / : < > % + # & ? ’ " @ ; ,) Email address, Username, First name
Add Group 60 1024 Name should not contain the mentioned special characters (* [ \ ] {|} / : < > % + & # ? ’ " ; ,) Name
Move Report 255 NA Name should not contain the mentioned special characters ( * [ \ ] {|} / : < > % + & # ? ’ " ; ,) Name
Copy Report 255 NA Name should not contain the mentioned special characters ( * [ \ ] {|} / : < > % + & # ? ’ " ; ,) Report name
Update Report 255 1024 Name should not contain the mentioned special characters ( * [ \ ] {|} / : < > % + & # ? ’ " ; ,) Category , Name, RDL File

When adding a user, the unsupported characters for the Email address, First name, and Last name are : ( * [ \ ] {|} / : < > % + & # ? ’ " ; ,)

Scenario : Site Creation

Field Maximum Length Allowed Unsupported Special Characters
Site Name 255 Site Name should not contain the mentioned special characters ( * [ \ ] {|} / : < > % +#?";,)
Site Identifier 64 All special characters are unsupported (allow only letters and numbers)
Database schema NA All special characters, numbers and white spaces
Database name NA Database name should not contain the mentioned special characters (<>%*?":`;'[]{|}) and leading and trailing spaces
Server tables prefix NA All special characters, numbers and white spaces

Scenario: User-Level and Group-Level Custom Attributes in Report Server

Field Maximum Length Allowed Unsupported Special Characters Is Required
Name 255 Name should not contain the mentioned special characters ( * [ \ ] {|} / : < > % + & # ? ’ " ; ,) Yes
Value 4000 - Yes
Description 1024 - No

Scenario: Site-Level Custom Attribute (UMS)

Field Maximum Length Allowed Unsupported Special Characters Is Required
Name 256 Name should not contain the mentioned special characters ( * [ \ ] {|} / : < >%+ # ? " ; ,[]) Yes
Value 4001 - Yes
Description 1025 - No
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