How to Resolve - Reports Unavailable: Error 503 in Bold Reports
The 503 Service Unavailable error occurs when the server is temporarily unable to handle a request. This issue can arise in Kubernetes (K8s), Docker, Windows, and Linux environments when the services or pods running the report applications are down or unresponsive. The purpose of this KB is to guide users through the steps to identify the cause of the error and resolve it by checking the application status and restarting the service if necessary.
Steps to Resolve:
Check the Status of the Application
The primary objective of a status check is to verify if all services are operational or if any are experiencing downtime.
Restart the Application Service
- If the service is down or not responding, restart the services
- Open the IIS Manager, and under Manage Website, you can restart the application.
- Please run the following command to restart the specific pods.
kubectl rollout restart deployment/id-web-deployment -n {namespace}
kubectl rollout restart deployment/id-api-deployment -n {namespace}
kubectl rollout restart deployment/id-ums-deployment -n {namespace}
kubectl rollout restart deployment/reports-web-deployment -n {namespace}
kubectl rollout restart deployment/reports-api-deployment -n {namespace}
kubectl rollout restart deployment/reports-jobs-deployment -n {namespace}
kubectl rollout restart deployment/reports-reportservice-deployment -n {namespace}
kubectl rollout restart deployment/reports-viewer-deployment -n {namespace}
kubectl rollout restart deployment/bold-etl-deployment -n {namespace}
- Please run the following command to restart the container.
docker restart containerid
- Please run the following command to restart the specific services.
sudo systemctl restart bold-id-web.service
sudo systemctl restart bold-id-api.service
sudo systemctl restart bold-ums-web.service
sudo systemctl restart bold-reports-web.service
sudo systemctl restart bold-reports-api.service
sudo systemctl restart bold-reports-jobs.service
sudo systemctl restart bold-reports-service.service
sudo systemctl restart bold-reports-viewer.service
sudo systemctl restart bold-etl.service
If you still encounter issues, please download the error logs and contact the support team for further assistance. You can refer to the links below for downloading the logs: