How to Modify the Idle Session Time in Bold Reports?
By default, Bold Reports will logout the user session if they are inactive for 60 minutes. You can increase the session time using the settings available in the configuration file. Please follow the steps below to increase the session time for users in a Bold Reports On-Premise Deployment.
Note: This feature is available in On-Premises Deployment but not in Cloud.
Login to the Bold Reports application with the UMS Admin user.
Go to the Configuration Editor of the UMS settings.
Example: {your_domain}/ums/administration/config-editor
Select the config.json file from the Search your files drop-down menu.
Note: From version 5.4.20, use the config.json and the config.xml for versions prior to this.
Search for the SessionIdleMinutes node and set the minutes according to your requirement. The default value is 60 minutes. Save the changes by clicking the Save button.
Finally, restart the Bold Reports application by referring to this link. The idle session will now remain active until the configured time and will timeout once it is reached.