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How to customize the parameter block items?


The following section explains how to customize the parameter block items using properties.

Change the Report Parameter drop-down height and width

To change the parameter drop-down height and width in the parameter panel, you need to specify the popupHeight and popupWidth properties in parameterSettings as shown in the below code snippet.

        parameterSettings: {
            popupHeight: "200px",
            popupWidth: "150px",

Hide parameter block scroller

To hide the scrollbar in the parameter panel, you need to specify the enableparameterblockscroller property in parameterSettings as shown in the below code snippet.

        parameterSettings: {
             enableParameterBlockScroller: false

Show or Hide the Parameter block

To show or hide the parameter block, you need to specify the hideParameterBlock property in parameterSettings as shown in the below code snippet.

        parameterSettings: {
             hideParameterBlock: true

Change the Parameter Item Width and Label Width

To change the parameter item width and label width, you need to specify the itemWidth and labelWidth properties in parameterSettings as shown in the below code snippet.

        parameterSettings: {
             itemWidth: '250px',
            labelWidth: 'auto'
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