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How to show or hide the Report Viewer toolbar options?


The following section explains how to customize the Report Viewer toolbar and show or hide toolbar items.

Show or Hide toolbar items

To show or hide specific toolbar items, you need to set the toolbarSettings property. The following example code snippet shows how to hide the parameter option from the toolbar.

    toolbarSettings: {
        items: ej.ReportViewer.ToolbarItems.All & ~ej.ReportViewer.ToolbarItems.Parameters

Similarly, you can show or hide all other toolbar options with the help of toolbarSettings.items enum.

Hide Toolbar

To hide the entire Report Viewer toolbar, you need to set the showToolbar property to false as shown in the below code snippet.

    toolbarSettings: {
        showToolbar: false

Show or Hide specific export options

You can show or hide specific export types in the Report Viewer toolbar using the exportOptions property. The following example code shows how to hide the HTML export type from the default export options.

    exportSettings: {
        exportOptions:ej.ReportViewer.ExportOptions.All & ~ej.ReportViewer.ExportOptions.Html
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