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How to upgrade or downgrade reports using Bold Reports Designer


The user can upgrade or downgrade the reports between 2008, 2010 or 2016 RDL schema versions using the Version option. This option is provided under the Report Properties in properties panel


Default - It refers to the 2016 RDL schema version. When user creates a new report, by default the schema version is set to 2016.

RDL2010 - Upgrades or downgrades report to 2010 RDL schema version.

RDL2016 - Upgrades the report to 2016 RDL schema version.

Steps to upgrade or downgrade reports

Follow the below steps to upgrade or downgrade the report using Bold Reports Designer,

  1. Launch Enterprise Server application and edit a target report
  2. Open Report Properties. Under Miscellaneous category, choose the target version in Version property drop-down
  3. Now, save the report.


You can upgrade reports as tabulated below,

Current versionTarget version
2008 schema versionUser can upgrade the reports to 2010 or 2016 schema version
2010 schema versionUser can upgrade the reports to 2016 schema version


You can downgrade reports as tabulated below,

Current versionTarget version
2016 schema versionUser can downgrade the reports to 2010 schema version
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