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Silent installation


The silent installation steps are applicable only for version 1.2.7 and below.

  1. Double click the Embedded Reporting Tools setup.

  2. Embedded Reporting Tools setup will be extracted in temp location (%temp%). 

  3. Copy that extracted Embedded Reporting Tools setup to some other location and cancel the installation.

  4. Open the command prompt with administrative privileges and run the extracted Embedded Reporting Tools setup with the following arguments.

    Arguments:/Install silent /InstallPath:{InstallationPath} /pidkey:{unlock_key} /isdesktopdhortcut:{TRUE or FALSE}/Log "{LogFilePath\filename.log}"

    Example:/Install silent /InstallPath:C:\Program Files (x86)\New\Report /pidkey:@1243453sdffdfvv /isdesktopshortcut:TRUE /Log "C:\Program Files (x86)\New\Install.log"


  5. Now, Embedded Reporting Tools setup has been installed in silent mode.

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