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How to add Page Numbers to a Bold Reports report


Page numbers in a report are useful for easy navigation, referencing specific information, and facilitating cross-referencing between different sections of the report. Adding page numbers to a report in Bold Reports involves using the Globals!PageNumber and Globals!TotalPages expressions to set the page number for the report. By following these steps, you can add a textbox report item to the footer area and set the expression to display the page number and the total number of pages in the report.

To add page numbers to a report in Bold Reports using the Globals!PageNumber and Globals!TotalPages expressions, follow these steps:

You can NOT use the Global!PageNumber in the report body, it is only allowed in the header/footer.

  1. Drag and drop a textbox report item from the widgets pane onto the footer area and select it.
  2. Right click inside the text box and then click on the expression.
  3. In the expression editor, enter the following expression. This expression concatenates the “Page” text, the current page number, a forward slash, and the total number of pages in the report.
        ="Page " & Globals!PageNumber & " / " & Globals!TotalPages
  4. Click OK to close the expression editor and save the changes to the report project.
  5. Preview the report to ensure the page numbers are displaying correctly in the footer area.

    The Globals!PageNumber expression represents the current page number, while the Globals!TotalPages represents the total number of pages in the report.
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