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How to Set the Default Zoom Level in Bold Reports Viewer


In Bold Reports, you can customize the default zoom level in the viewer to enhance the user experience when viewing reports. By default, the zoom level is set to 100%, but with the help of the Zoom Factor API, you can easily adjust it to your desired value. This article provides instructions on how to use the default zoom level in the report viewer application.
The following table represents the zoom factor values corresponding to each zoom level:

Zoom Vaue Zoom level(%)
0.5 50
1 100
1.5 150
2 200

In the following code sample, the zoomFactor property of the boldReportViewer function is set to 1.5, representing a zoom level of 150%.

<div id="reportviewer"></div>
               zoomFactor: 1.5 

The following is a snapshot of the Bold Reports viewer with the default zoom level set to 150%:


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