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UTCNow Timestamp Format and Conversion Expression


In Bold Reports, there is an option to include a UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) timestamp. UTC is a global standard time reference used across different time zones, ensuring consistency in time representation. By incorporating a UTC timestamp, synchronize and compare time data accurately, making it particularly useful for applications that involve multiple geographical locations. A particular timezone(IST) is converted to UTC timezone also.

Use the following expressions and formatting options to add a UTC timestamp to your report.

  1. Getting the UTC time:
    To get the current UTC time, use the following expression:



  2. Formatting the UTC time:
    To format the UTC time in a specific way, use the Format function. The following example demonstrates formatting the UTC time as “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss UTC”:



    =Format(Now.ToUniversalTime(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss UTC")
  3. Convert IST timezone to UTC timezone:
    To convert the IST timezone to UTC timezone, add the following code in code modules and convert it. Follow these steps:

    • Add the following code in code modules in your report.


    Function ConvertToUtc(dateTime As DateTime) As DateTime
        Return TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(dateTime, "India Standard Time", "UTC")
    End Function
    • Drag and drop a text box and add the following expression. Click “OK,” save, and preview the report. The current IST time will be converted to UTC time.


By incorporating these expressions into your report, you will be able to include the UTC timestamp as per your requirements.

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