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Customizing Category Axis Value in Bold Reports


In Bold Reports, you can customize the category axis value for the chart report item. Customizing the category axis value in Bold Reports provides the ability to personalize the representation of data values in charts, resulting in more insightful and comprehensible reports. This feature empowers users to present data in a manner that best conveys the intended message, emphasizing particular data trends or patterns. By modifying the category axis values, users can effectively showcase the progression of projects over time, delineate the stages of manufacturing processes, or highlight various levels of customer satisfaction. For instance, users may choose to label the category axis values as “level 1”, “level 2”, “level 3”, and so on, to better illustrate the hierarchy or progression within the data. With this level of customization, Bold Reports enables users to create highly informative reports that facilitate better understanding and interpretation of data.

To customize the category axis value, follow these steps:

  1. Drag and drop a column chart report item in the designer area.


  2. In the data section, add the values for the Yvaluesand Column as per your needs. Here, we are passing the values as (Name field for Yvalues and DepartmentID for Column).


  3. In column, click the settings icon and then select “Groups”.


  4. In the Grouping dialog, go to the label section and set the expression as shown below:



    ="level" + Fields!DepartmentID.Value
  5. Save and preview the report. The expression above will result in the category axis label values being modified to “level1”, “level2”, “level3”, and more. You can customize the expression to show any text you want.

    Before customization output:


    After customization output:

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