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Adding Custom Fonts in Standalone Report Designer


The Bold Reports Standalone Report Designer has a comprehensive collection of default fonts to cater to various reporting needs. However, circumstances may arise where you require the inclusion of specific fonts within the Report Designer. To address this, Bold Reports offers a straightforward process for adding custom fonts to enhance your reporting capabilities.

The following comprehensive instructions will guide you through the process of incorporating custom fonts into the Standalone Report Designer.

  1. Download the custom fonts and add them to the following mentioned location specified in the designer application.

    {Installed Location}\Program Files (x86)\Bold Reports\Report Designer\CustomFonts

  2. Add the entry for the custom fonts to the config.json file located in the following location as shown in the following snapshot.

    {Installed Location}\Program Files (x86)\Bold Reports\Report Designer\CustomFonts


  3. The report designer application has successfully integrated custom fonts as depicted in the following snapshot.


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