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How to Adjust the Width of a Doughnut chart?


Doughnut charts are widely used to represent data in a visually appealing and informative way. They allow you to showcase the proportionality of each item to the total in the form of doughnut-slices. One aspect of customizing doughnut charts involves adjusting the width or thickness of the chart’s rings. This adjustment enables you to highlight specific data points and enhance the overall visual impact of your chart. This article illustrates the process of modifying the thickness of the rings in a Doughnut chart using Bold Reports.

Below are step-by-step guidelines for achieving this:

Step 1: Drag and drop the doughnut chart report items from the widget panel, as shown in the image below.


Step 2: Click on the chart items and then configure the dataset values for the chart accordingly.


Step 3: To specify the thickness of the doughnut chart, click on the edit icon in the Basic Settings section from the properties panel.


Step 4: Locate the Custom Attributes property and select it to define the custom properties.


Step 5: Use the expression “DoughnutRadius” in the attributes property to set the doughnut width, as shown in the image below.


Step 6: After applying the expression, click the preview button again to see the output with different widths for different values in the attributes.


You can download the sample report from here.

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