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Resolve the Issue of Bottom Content Not Showing in Word Export


When exporting reports to Word format, you may encounter layout issues where the bottom content of the report is not displayed correctly. This can lead to incomplete reports and missing some of the report’s information. This problem can be addressed by incorporating the RowHeightType property. Follow these steps to ensure proper content presentation:

  1. Access the report and proceed to the Miscellaneous property in the properties panel, then select Set Attributes.
  2. In the Set Attributes dialog popup, integrate the RowHeightType property and set its value to AtLeast.

By following these steps and including the RowHeightType property in the report, you can address issues like missing bottom borders and incorrect content display in Word exports. This will help ensure that your report exports are complete and accurate.

Word Export snap before adding RowHeightType property:


Word Export snap after adding RowHeightType property:


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