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Customizing Toolbar Visibility in Bold Reports Using Custom Properties


When working with Bold Reports, you can customize the visibility of various toolbar buttons to streamline the interface according to your specific needs. This can be achieved by setting custom properties within the report properties. The following table outlines the available custom properties for toolbar configuration, along with their intended effects.

Custom Properties for Toolbar Configuration

To configure the visibility of toolbar buttons, set custom properties within the report properties. Below is a list of available custom properties and their corresponding descriptions.

Property Name Description
showprintbutton Hides the print button when set to false.
showparameterblock Hides the parameter block when set to false.
showrefreshbutton Hides the refresh button when set to false.
showfindbutton Hides the find button when set to false.
showstopbutton Hides the stop button when set to false.
showexportsetupbutton Hides the export setup button when set to false.
showzoomcontrol Hides the zoom controls when set to false.
showfittopage Hides the fit-to-page button when set to false.
showexportcontrols Hides the export controls when set to false.
showprintpagecontrols Hides the print page controls when set to false.
showperformancemetricsbutton Hides the performance metrics button when set to false.
showexportlist Hides the export list when set to false.
showpagenavigationcontrols Hides the page navigation controls when set to false.
showpreviewbutton Hides the preview button when set to false.
showdrillthrough Hides the drill-through button when set to false.
showdocumentmap Hides the document map when set to false.

How to Set Custom Properties

To hide any of the toolbar elements, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the grey background of the report area to access the Report Properties.
  2. Locate the Custom Attributes option within the Properties pane.
  3. Add a new custom property with the name corresponding to the toolbar element you wish to hide. For example, to hide the print button, add the showprintbutton property with a value of false.
  4. Click OK and preview the report.

Default Preview Snapshot:


Customized Preview Snapshot:


By setting the appropriate custom properties, the specified toolbar buttons will no longer be visible when you preview the report.

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